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P.S.Remesh Chandran. ( view profile )
U.N. nuclear chief: Iran talks "going round in circles"
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
When the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed in 1970 by 189 nations, the three nations which refused to sign were India, Pakistan and Israel, whatever are the explanations. The one nation which was then a signatory but later withdrew from the treaty was North Korea. This treaty only meant that the signatory countries were willing to declare that they would limit the spread of nuclear weapons, that if they had nuclear programmes, they were meant for peaceful purposes only, and that their installations were free to international inspections. Why is it that when countries in the five continents signed the treaty, only the southern-most corner of Asia remained red in the treaty map? What are their problems exactly? The International Atomic Energy Agency or IAEA was formed to supervise the American government’s willingness to share nuclear information and materials America developed and gained with other countries, under United Nations Organization’s overseeing, as consented by the then president Eisenhower as Atoms For Peace. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty authorized IAEA to inspect nuclear installations to see whether they are using this knowledge to make weapons and to help non-nuclear countries to gain knowledge on nuclear programmes for peaceful purposes. The IAEA serves as a nuclear police to the UN. In the present circumstances, only five countries- England, France, Russia, China and America- are allowed to possess nuclear weapons and even they have to eliminate their arsenal step by step. This allowing of five countries to have nuclear weapons is a blot on the scutcheon of this treaty which is considered as sacred as the UN Chapter. Activities like uranium enrichment and plutonium separation are allowed if they are done for peaceful purposes under international supervision. Countries which carry on these operations will declare the site of their activities which will have to be open to IAEA inspections. Many countries do make use of this provision in the treaty and continue their research and development in the field of nuclear energy. But there have always been frequent violations. North Korea and Iran obtained plutonium enrichment know-how from Pakistan and were found to be producing nuclear weapons. Iraq’s nuclear weapons development facilities were discovered after the Gulf war in 1991. India and Pakistan tested atomic weapons several times in their deserts and under sea, upsetting the nuclear peace in Asia. America which originated this treaty also continued to develop new nuclear weapons for the testing of which they tried to pass bills in the Congress. This situation eventually will lead to unrest among other nations and tempt at least a few of them to withdraw from the treaty. The IAEA inspections usually are limited to those sites and venues which are willfully declared by countries which want to continue nuclear research and development but now this organization is forced to a policy of looking into possible sites also.
Efforts to check epidemic outbreak
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
The difference between a press communiqué and a press conference is, in a press conference, the press can ask questions which the public would wish to ask which would be answered then and there. Suppose the following questions were asked for which the following answers would have been given: Are you accusing that dengue in Trivandrum is entirely due to mosquitoes? Yes, there is no other reason. Do you agree dengue is a Zoonosis disease which is caused by viruses? Yes, that is basic knowledge. Is dengue an Arboviral infection which needs an animal reservoir host for the virus to complete its life cycle? Yes, that also is basic science but there have been disagreements…… What disagreements...I was quoting from W.H.O. article in which it is stated that arthropod vectors such as ticks which are abundant in dog bodies are needed for maturing this virus? Then it might be true. Is it true that these viruses are spread to man by mosquitoes who themselves get infected from dogs and monkeys? Then it might be the monkeys, not dogs. Which is the possible source of this disease considering the number of monkeys and the number of dogs in this land? According to your statement, it has to be the dogs. Then why are authorities hunting mosquitoes and excluding dogs from the hunt; why don’t you tell people about the role of dogs so that they can take precautions and guard against this disease? Because, dogs are protected by the central government; mosquitoes are not. So the whole government enterprise is going after the second accused, leaving the first accused uncharged? Yours is a damned newspaper which does not even have an editor. Who said it? Mr.....said it recently; perhaps he might have wished to become your editor…why are you asking me these absurd questions? Because I can…why are you not answering my questions scientifically? Because I cannot. All of a sudden a newspaper reporter who had been sleeping in a backside chair sat up and asked: Have you had occasion to read Dr. A.J.Cronin’s famous novel The Citadel which is a quick look into the ethics of medical profession? No, I do not have much time for reading, except medical books…why are you bringing this up? Because it is relevant, and you should know about an incident described in this novel. The young Dr. Manson found out that a generations-old, rusted sewage line was seeping its contents into the water lines was the cause of colleform-related epidemics and deaths in the coal districts of England which the municipal authorities won’t replace fearing the heavy costs its replacement would incur. The DMO of that English district warned him he was entering the red zone, but for his love of people in his district, helped Dr. Manson to dynamite the sewage line secretly and get it immediately replaced by the municipality. Trace the actual source of an epidemic and do what is needed boldly. It is your people who are dying there in your district due to dengue.
A Mughlai treat for the Chinese premier in Delhi
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Even though China’s attack on India and annexing a portion of Axai Chin was a warning on India’s military unpreparedness, it served well another purpose, that of exposing China’s intentions. It reveled that signing the Panchaseel Pact and the Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence just hours before attacking was China’s way of asking for time before launching an attack. Having continued centuries-long mutual trade and commerce and sent students to each other’s universities for generations, there was no pre-instance of a Chinese emperor annexing a portion of India in the nearby past, and by signing the pacts, the Chinese Communist Party posed that they were also going to go the same route. Now not only India but all countries except perhaps the military junta in Burma know that the Chinese communist party holding talks with any of them only means that they are gaining time for some kind of economic, political or geographical sabotage in their country. Even while holding talks with India, China promoted communist insurgence activities in many states of India, prompted Pakistan to train and infiltrate terrorists into India, helped Maoists in Nepal to come into power there, thereby unstabilizing the political equilibrium of that region and even invited Sri Lankan militants to hold talks on the course of action to be taken in the future. If China holds talks with Japan, Viet Nam, Philippines or Burma, that is the sign. We have seen such unscrupulousness only in a few nations’ administrations in the history of the world, which administrations do not exist now. A great nation like China sacrificing their traditional modesty and principles for saving a set of alien political dogmas which are disproving itself each day is unbelievable. It is like the captain of a ship who does not leave the ship even while it is sinking for reasons of long affiliation and nostalgia. The ship would go down anyway, then why drag down a few generations and many good traditions also with it?
Prof held for 'begging' says he had sought permission
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Pictures of Oil Paintings on wood by Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller, an Austrian Painter who lived during 1793-1865, tell us how the world happily helped the needy in the past. A travelling family of beggars being rewarded by poor peasants, a scene of charity from our bygone era and a scene of eviction are the most noted among his paintings. There are hundreds more of such scenes, carefully recorded in paintings by talented geniuses for the posterity to remind them that their fathers, grandfathers, forefathers and great ancestors all gave alms to those who needed or that they made their living out of begging. The forefathers of all of us either begged or they gave alms. Looking at these pictures, we can see how proud the sufferers were and how magnanimous and humane the givers were. The children depicted in these pictures are world citizens who shall not be deprived of their right to live. They are not peddlers or dope addicts. The loveliness and innocence of their faces forbid us to condemn the good practice of alms-giving on all days, without limiting it to one single day of Sakkaatth or Christmas according to our religious traditions. Tell the World and European Laws to go to Hell! The world, especially the poor peasant families, has always been kind to those needy poor people because the wise of the world always knew what produced beggars: diseases, attachment of properties, eviction from land and home, etc. It was people who saved money for building homes, for treating their beloved in hospitals and for sending daughters away in marriages who were robbed of everything they possessed by wrong economic policies of governments and sent to the streets. Board-Room Economics and War-Room Politics were what created millions of beggars. Nowhere does the poor man in the street come in this picture of power game. Governments wish to hide their crimes and follies, so they enact laws for forbidding begging in their beautiful streets, trains and parks and arrest beggars and remove them from the streets. Then through public relation media, they bark about the supposed existence of a business of organized begging, the beggars' inferior social standards, their uncleanliness, and the stench coming from them. It is when the administration of a country becomes thickly-packed and saturated with stealers, cheaters, and cut-throats that beggars appear in roads and trains. Because they are mostly uneducated, they do not know how to dethrone these drones from authority. So, suppressing the pangs of betrayal, with downcast eyes, and with shame humiliation and indignation, they beg in the streets, because life is such precious, and hope is still endeared. I really miss the human beings forcefully removed from my Trivandrum City Streets. There were sisters, mothers, kids, old men among them. I wonder where they all have gone, and what they are now doing, dead or living. I know the situation is the same all over the world. As long as there is one single person in distress there, no country in this world is humane, whatever ostentaceous pseudo welfare schemes they have devised. I also know, the uniformed officers who only are obeying orders from the blind brutes also are pining in their hearts for arresting beggars.
PM calls for women safety; Delhi rape accused says had an accomplice
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
The first thing the Indian Prime Minister ought to have done was look back into the ranks and files of his own party. If every parliament member who have ever been accused of rape and women molestation were thrown out of party and parliament, how many parliament members would Congress Party have in the parliament now? One person from Kerala who has been accused as a culprit in one of the cruelest gang rapes in the state is officiating as the Vice Chairman of Rajya Sabha. Investigating officers split in their public opinions and have been constantly alleging that their subordinates and superiors did everything in their power to keep this politician out of law’s grip. Instead of resigning out of self respect or being thrown out of party by leadership, how contradictory and strange would it be he presiding over debates on enactment of new laws against rapes and women molestation! The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. Even then, the people of America did not find it inappropriate or difficult to throw him out of presidency on account of his involvement in a molestation case. America is the most powerful democracy in the world and it proved its worth and guts by showing to the world that if their president cannot protect the rights of women or even get involved in one of such cases, he would be thrown out of mercilessly, regardless of how important and inevitable his contributions and role have been in keeping the world politics and economics balanced. India which claims that it is the largest democracy in the world, not only in being the democratic nation with the largest population but also the nation where the largest number of people undergoes election process, shivers at the thought of dismissing rapists and molesters from power. So, whatever our politicians, including our prime minister, talk about actions which are going to be taken against such low-bred creatures is a farce, meant to cool things for a while. Why most politicians and bureaucrats do not want capital punishment for rapists is because of their anxiety about what would happen when their sons or they caught one day for such crimes. If one is clean and if one’s son is clean, one needn’t fear capital punishment for sexual killings. Objection to this type of punishment comes from unnatural persons with unclean past or future intentions. Those who argue for lesser punishments and ‘humane’ treatment for sexual killers are the persons who make sexual killings safe for offenders and make them happen. They conveniently make people forget the 2000 years’ penal history of India. It is they who ensure by their ‘humane’ protests that they can continue to wallow in the pleasure of reading sexual crimes till the end of their days. If we look closely and scrutinize their lives, we can see that they are perverts, caring nothing about the safety of women and children and living in isolated rich ivory towers, every one of them.
Kudankulam reactor system to be heated up to maximum
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
There is widespread belief that nuclear energy is low-cost and low-priced which is only because it is heavily subsidized and tax-exempted. Once these exemptions and subsidies are removed, which sure will be as happened with the other energy forms, its price will sky rocket. The largest nuclear energy producers amassed huge profits from their long-functioning plants but electricity prices did not come down. The energy is there and the profit, but the profit goes to a few hands; the burden of keeping waste becomes that of future generations. Statistics show that the more nuclear energy is produced, the more highly priced it becomes. But, when the more wind energy is produced, the lesser has its price become. It is because nuclear monopolies controls governments unlike renewable energy producers and have a free hand in deciding at what price their product is to be sold even while enjoying subsidies, and at what rate their price is to be raised each year which is about 10 percent now. The question is, without state subsidies, exemptions and concessions, how are nuclear plants viable? In many countries, local communities and local administrations run economically and environmentally viable small renewable energy plants without setting up elaborate grids. They do not dictate their laws or command governments what policies are to be adopted in the energy sector. But that is not the case with nuclear energy sector. Because their plants need huge amounts for construction and they possibly own their distribution grids, they consider governments their slaves, which they actually are, and dictate terms, rules, laws, even while enjoying state concessions. Why should this go on for more years and in more countries? Because there are already established other energy production forms which do not enforce political and economic slavery, why rely on and retain a rich slave master who is unsuitable to the modern-day world? It is irrational and illogical that energy makers function as policy makers also. Power makers delegate their representatives to the policy making body; top government officials in the policy making body joins the energy makers when they retire, which causes these heavy state subsidies, exemptions and concessions to nuclear energy makers. First they work in the government, lobbying for the company; then they work in the company, again lobbying government for the company. Perched in their positions which we mistake for governmental, for the past decades, they have been crying out loud that unless nuclear energy is there, the world will fall into darkness. 15 percent of energy produced in Germany in 2009 came from renewable energy sources. This could be made to 50 percent in the world in 2020 and to 100 percent by 2040. They also have been demanding extension of the life period of their reactors, for they would bring steady profits without further investment, and for, they would be there to defeat move to turn to safe renewable energy sources.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
There is an unusual word called National Sacrifice Areas in many uranium extracting countries which means dead areas containing radioactive leftover and debris which cannot be used for any purpose by mankind but has to be kept as a terror to all coming generations, a prick on the conscience of that nation. It was in 1972 that in America, President Richard Nixon first used this word to describe certain vast stretches of land with radioactive contamination which won’t go away for several centuries. To produce one tonne of industrial uranium, generally more than 10,000 tonnes of ore have to be extracted from a mining area because the concentration of uranium in the ore would most often be 0.01 to at the most 0.1 percent. This results in the leaving behind of 10,000s of times of the volume of the actual industry grade production, along with exposed and scattered mountains of rocks of low uranium content. Countries with uranium extraction have many such abominable black deserts which appear nowhere in the maps of those countries. These black holes remain there a death ground for the people even after advocates and apostles of nuclear energy are long dead and gone. To store and guard these debris mountains, huge corporations are soon to appear on this world, the fortune 5000 companies of the future world. Most often, these radioactive debris mountains cannot be kept in those original sites but will have to be moved to other sparable sites which will need billions and billions of pounds. America and Germany have had to spend unbelievable huge amounts for such tasks. The large uranium extraction companies make their fortune and move out. People spend billions more out of public treasury through government for ensuring a false feeling of safety by relocating or guarding this debris. Adolph Hitler was an angel when compared to the proponents of nuclear energy. Supply and demand for uranium in the world does not match. During the past many years, stockpiles of uranium had been growing and, when compared to the number of nuclear plants operating, there were considered to have been existing some surplus. Only 5 years into the 21st century, numerous new power plants were built and the demand exceeded supply which was temporarily met from military reserves. Logically, to cater to the increasing number of power plants, quite a number of uranium mines have to be opened worldwide or new uranium-rich planets and dead stars will have to be discovered and exploited. There is not one unmapped uranium spot in this world. All rich uranium sites were the first to be touched which have all exhausted already. The ones intended to be opened newly will have very low uranium content certainly which only means the quantity and number of radioactive debris mountains and National Sacrifice Areas in the world are going to increase at astronomical rates.
John Ram Rahim Singh
Sir P.S. Ramesh Chandran,
Either you are a scientist or have stolen someone's research work. Or perhaps you have got all this after extensive surfing on the net. Though all the matter is technical in nature and in fact I have not read it, but still I feel to give you a thumb up.
2 Replies
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Sacrificing 8,00,000 able-bodied men does not justify the cleaning up of a ruined nuclear plant but that was just what the Soviet Union had to do after the Chernobyl nuclear accident in their country. Do not anyone think that these were the men who perished in that accident; they were the people the Soviet government recruited from nearby states for clean up, technically called ‘liquidators’ by the state, the people doomed to die slowly, attending to the post-accident works in the Chernobyl area. Wind favoured Soviet Union and reduced instant deaths but radiation reached even Bavaria in Germany and 3000 people were affected. 3,50,000 people lost their homes permanently. W.H.O. reported the surety of 50,000 child cancer cases in the future in one province alone. More than 5,000 children died in neighbouring countries as a result of wind and sea water-borne radiation. Taking into account the number of forced abortions and still births also in that region, the total number of child deaths there would not be less than 1,50,000. Still, there are highly paid people in the world, nation heads and scientifically noted figures all, to reiterate through press that nuclear energy is the safest form of energy, and that it is a must for the world. Where shall we hang these abominable creatures, or throw them to the very heart of those reactors? Ukraine, Belarus and Gomel are stooped down without a chance of rising up again in the nearby future, still behind state-provided security, several nation heads in the world are bold enough to declare that there would be no change in their energy policies and that their administrations would be marching on in the nuclear path itself. Think about the money they and their subordinates received from nuclear power lobbies to carry out this official propaganda and also think about how puny the amounts they received against the inconceivably huge sums of money those countries will have to spend on dismantling these plants and for cleaning up after an accident. Is it not safe for the world to take a collection and give them the exact amounts for leaving their thrones, or simply execute them before they sign the death warrant of millions? In the 1950s, when nuclear plants were introduced for the first time, there were few people who opposed this kind of energy but today there are only a few people who support it, all of them nation heads, company owners, committee chairmen or energy engineers. In Japan, their Chamber of Commerce, some Keinendran or something, only supports it. In Germany, the relics of Nazis alone want it to remain. In France, only the great reactor manufacturing companies want it to continue. Even in the so called Dark Africa, dozens of unexpected wise countries each year are turning against nuclear energy. It is not strange that a few national leaders who are noted economists also want nuclear energy to stay; they are sold out party and person.
A Yahoo! User
Even countries like Germany and Japan have started to abandon Nuclear plants and is heading towards safe energy, while India is heading towards this dangerous source
Fishermen protest against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
No one will know about the pain in the hearts of fishermen. Everyone wants fish to eat but no one is willing to understand the life of those people who go to sea each day regardless of sun and rain, wind and fog to bring fish. Fish constitutes one of the main diets of the Indians and earn huge amounts of foreign money for India. The fishermen have been making their living out of the sea millenniums before atomic power or even electricity was invented. Tamilnadu coast has been one of the chief sources of food for India. Fishermen who have been living with the sea since the day of their birth cannot simply severe ties with the sea. When an atomic plant comes to their place, first there will come restrictions on launching fishing vessels many miles around it. Unfortunately, all atomic reactors are built on sea shores for availability of plenty of water and also due to treated water can be very easily and secretly discharged into sea. When more and more hot water is released from the plant into the sea, fishes would stop coming to that area and even if one gets permission to launch vessels, he will get no fish. These are not new information, for every reactor builder in the world knows these things; they are the unavoidable basic consequences of building a nuclear reactor on a sea shore. After a time, evictions will begin, to acquire more land for housing projects for the plant’s personnel or if they already are constructed, as part of expansion. Thus, after receiving a paltry sum as compensation or without receiving any compensation at all, these fishermen will have to leave the place for ever, seek to sustain families by engaging in untrained jobs, fail, become vagrants and die out- all for the momentary existence of a nuclear plant whose life even the judicial courts and authorities admit to be just thirty years. What a huge waste of human lives and public money for protecting the intellectual pride of a few wayward politicians! There are dozens of Gandhis in India but because the Indians do not have a Mahatma Gandhi, there is now no one there in the national arena and the international arena to speak for the hundred thousands of fishermen who are losing lives and livelihoods to a nuclear power plant. What startles the people is how quick the Indian politicians learn about the inevitability of atomic power plants, including the complex technicalities in their operation, and publicly advocate for nuclear energy with such vigour and energy that they would seem to have born into Einstein’s family. We have seen pictures of weeping womenfolk of the villages around Kodankulam Nuclear Power Plant, crying ardently for the power plant to go from their lives. See their motherly faces, bare hands, soiled lungies and slipperless feet. Is it they whom the Prime Minister and Home Minister alleged to have been receiving foreign aid? Compare their photos with those of the well-clad latter VIPs. Who are receiving foreign money for relentless campaigning?
Support for direct cash transfer
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
A poor agricultural laborer, house servant, street vendor works from morning till evening, collects his earnings and run to the ration shop for obtaining his rice, sugar, wheat and cereals before the shop closes. It is all a rush act, unknown to the bosses lolling in the state assemblies and the parliament. He gets the rations at the subsidized prices and he is satisfied. The Food Corporation of India, the wholesale ration depot and the retail ration depot may steal something from his ration but he is still satisfied because he can get it within the limited time available to him and with the limited cash available to him. The government says this rice of ration will not be less anymore but would equal the market rate, and the difference will be aid to his bank account as subsidy and he can encash it at the bank. Where do they think he will get the time to go through all the humility and shame of standing before a haughty bank officer for the whole day, waiting for when his name would be called, told at last that there is a technical error or the computer system is down for a few days? How can he spend his days at the bank for fear of loosing his actual employment which helps him to win his daily bread? It is that person’s ballot that made the other the assembly member, the parliament member, the finance minister, the prime minister and the president. Who is to speak for him, himself, where, through megaphones, press releases? Ingratitude is something a man recognizes very easily and that is what the thought that passes through the tired mind of that person waiting at the bank for his ration subsidy is. Subsidy is what these poor man’s representatives sitting in assemblies and parliaments and receive as free electricity, water, house, car, drivers, servants, protection, air travel, train travel, medical expenses, constituency allowances and perks for boycotting the assemblies and parliament. Enjoyed by sitting members and thousands and thousands of ex-members, they are what ruin the country of its economy, not this poor man’s ration of subsidized rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene. Ingratitude has its bounds, and no one shall jump boundaries. A people’s representative will not loose his daily wages for collecting his subsidies from the bank because the state, actually that poor man, pays salaries to staff for attending such chores as attending the bank. Bit who pays that poor man for attending the bank for one day and loose his daily wage, or if the employer is infuriated, the job itself? If every people’s representative in India had to pay for his car, servant, electricity, water, house, gas, petrol, driver, air and train travel and medical treatment inland and abroad, and they were paid no pensions for their ‘services’ except salaries for sitting members, there would have been no need for subsidies for anything for the millions and millions of poor Indians for would have been a rich country. The poor people of India know this well and that is why they grieve. They shoulder the present and future living expenses of all people’s representatives in the country, for taking decisions to destroy them, wondering all the while ‘which people they represent’.
President's son terms Delhi women protestors 'dented-painted', apologises
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
The last time the student community of India took to the streets was in the 1970s when, inspired by the very old Jayaprakash Narayan and his fight against the corruption in India, students in Universities from Kashmir to Kerala left classes for weeks and weeks, many of them never to return, and took to the streets to protest against the corruption of the congress government. This student community of India which did not get mesmerized by the brilliant speeches of the young Turks in the congress party or by the magical eloquence of the socialists going after a grand old man, obeying his instincts and words, was a great wonder in those times. What happened next, we all know. The largest people’s movement in India against governmental corruption since the time of the Indian Independence Struggle followed, at the end of which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, as advised by Brezhnev, declared national emergency to curb the unrest, Jayarakash Narayan was arrested with all opposition leaders and tortured in jail, she and her party was thoroughly defeated in the next parliament election, every atrocity and corruption conducted by Sanjay Gandhi, Maneka Gandhi, V.C.Shukla and a multitude of others exposed in the Justice Shaw Commission Trials, Indira Gandhi arrested and put in the Tihar Jail by the Morarji Desai administration, the sequence of events running till militant Sikhs took her life, ‘in their opinion’, for past crimes. It was a simple students’ struggle that originated as a protest against corruption and culminated in all these political and historical events in India. As it was in the past, the seed has been sown. Now again the student community of India, presently in the national capital New Delhi, is in the streets, protesting against central government’s inaction, even after hundreds of girl rapes having happened in New Delhi each year, the Chief Minister of Delhi having had a long time at her disposal to stop this criminal rapes, the woman Chief Minister moaning about her inability to either act or resign, the central government and the prime minister eagerly awaiting the signing of defense deals worth billions with Russian president in the midst of this mayhem, and supportive struggles starting in several state capitals. Will the visiting Russian president, like his predecessor, advise the Indian prime minister to declare another national emergency? It was his predecessor’s wrong advice that brought about Indira Gandhi’s fall. Why not try once again, if undemocratic Russia would be pleased at Indian democracy suffering a set back? What we now see in New Delhi and in many other state capitals in the form of student agitation is an indication of how do the future Indian citizens are going to think. They do not fear, they do not need a leader and they do not need a conventional medium to communicate, the actual warning to all Indian politicians and leaders that they are not at all qualified to lead them or govern the country for them. Intelligence Quotient proven in national open competition alone will determine the future prime ministers, cabinet ministers and parliamentarians of India. This young generation exactly resembles the zeal and modus operandi of events which shook the world recently and brought about the fall of governments in many countries.
If my memory is right, it is the students who inspired JP to lead the movement.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
When we read about a very heinous atrocity committed on a woman, or when we see a television report on the same, our blood will boil and we will rush to some spot where we can do something worthwhile. That is human nature, a very desirable human nature. Rich or poor, young or old, man or woman, student or housewife, does not make any difference in this human attitude. If we come to know that a protestation is already going on in our neighbourhood, we will rush to that venue and participate. If it is in our state capital, we will get aboard the next bus and go there, if circumstances permit. But if it in Delhi that this protest is going on, we cannot all go there, but will certainly wish our hearts support go with them. This citizens feeling is what saved India from British hands. When people assembled for protests, the British loathed them and wished them death, because they knew that if people’s protests grew each day in mass, strength and ferocity, their foreign careers would be ruined, their privileges and pleasure would be taken away and they will have to pack up from India. So they moved the papas and mommies to ask British police and military to crush down people’s protestations and remove any threat to their contented and happy lives. When they look from their lofty imagination, it will appear that these people are well governed by my papa, mummy and cousin, these people does not deserve the services of such dignified people and they are committing a crime against divinity by questioning their country’s administration. These are the thoughts that are going through the minds of sons and daughters of all leaders in power. It is they who bring about the fall of their papas and mammas. India’s political history is full of such sons and daughters. Just remember the case of Smt. Indira Gandhi who was a very good prime minister indeed. One famous congress leader who very nearly reached prime ministership had a son whom he brought into politics as his successor and political heir who did not have the tact, patience and tolerance to co-exist with his father’s party supporters who sensed the danger and prevented the leader from becoming a prime minister. We cannot blame these leaders for getting into these kinds of circumstances. With politically ambitious sons and daughters, they are like swimmers who are forced to swim the seas with a rock ties down from their ankles.
PM Singh calls for calm after gang rape sparks violent protests
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
The last time the student community of India took to the streets was in the 1970s when, inspired by the very old Jayaprakash Narayan and his fight against the corruption in India, students in Universities from Kashmir to Kerala left classes for weeks and weeks, many of them never to return, and took to the streets to protest against the corruption of the congress government. This student community of India which did not get mesmerized by the brilliant speeches of the young Turks in the congress party or by the magical eloquence of the socialists going after a grand old man, obeying his instincts and words, was a great wonder in those times. What happened next, we all know. The largest people’s movement in India against governmental corruption since the time of the Indian Independence Struggle followed, at the end of which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, as advised by Brezhnev, declared national emergency to curb the unrest, Jayarakash Narayan was arrested with all opposition leaders and tortured in jail, she and her party was thoroughly defeated in the next parliament election, every atrocity and corruption conducted by Sanjay Gandhi, Maneka Gandhi, V.C.Shukla and a multitude of others exposed in the Justice Shaw Commission Trials, Indira Gandhi arrested and put in the Tihar Jail by the Morarji Desai administration, the sequence of events running till militant Sikhs took her life, ‘in their opinion’, for past crimes. It was a simple students’ struggle that originated as a protest against corruption and culminated in all these political and historical events in India. As it was in the past, the seed has been sown. Now again the student community of India, presently in the national capital New Delhi, is in the streets, protesting against central government’s inaction, even after hundreds of girl rapes having happened in New Delhi each year, the Chief Minister of Delhi having had a long time at her disposal to stop this criminal rapes, the woman Chief Minister moaning about her inability to either act or resign, the central government and the prime minister eagerly awaiting the signing of defense deals worth billions with Russian president in the midst of this mayhem, and supportive struggles starting in several state capitals. Will the visiting Russian president, like his predecessor, advise the Indian prime minister to declare another national emergency? It was his predecessor’s wrong advice that brought about Indira Gandhi’s fall. Why not try once again, if undemocratic Russia would be pleased at Indian democracy suffering a set back? What we now see in New Delhi and in many other state capitals in the form of student agitation is an indication of how do the future Indian citizens are going to think. They do not fear, they do not need a leader and they do not need a conventional medium to communicate, the actual warning to all Indian politicians and leaders that they are not at all qualified to lead them or govern the country for them. Intelligence Quotient proven in national open competition alone will determine the future prime ministers, cabinet ministers and parliamentarians of India. This young generation exactly resembles the zeal and modus operandi of events which shook the world recently and brought about the fall of governments in many countries.
Parliament logjam continues as Government fails to convince BJP
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
When the FDI Bill was introduced and sought to be passed, many political parties in India declared that they are against the passing of the bill on the grounds that it would end the livelihood of the poor merchants of India. The Indian National Congress in which the foreign leaning factions have gained dominance over the pro-Indian factions are devoted now anyway to bring large corporate companies to India in the retailing sector. And the large foreign corporates would give away any amount of money to any brokers in any country, to get a small foothold in the retail business world of populous countries. And the new generation politicians of India are never ashamed of being alleged to be having a Swiss Bank Account brimming with commissions received from companies for favours they received. But the other major political parties such as the BJP, SP, Thrinamool Congress, DMK, CPI, and CPM campaigned against the passing of this bill. It was demanded that the clauses in this bill shall be discussed in detail in the Parliament of India which demand was acquiesced to by the ruling party. Now everyone is somewhat assured that all political parties including the ones who were campaigning against this bill would be voting for the bill in the parliament. If they wish sincerely and work hard at least for two months, they can certainly make this bill fail in the parliament and even bring down the government in a non-confidence motion. But they are one by one falling in line favourable to the Congress Party as regard to this bill. The change in their attitude was brought forth not by the power of Congress politics but by the prospect of rich foreign countries coming to India for retail and the chance for looting them in wholesale. These parties usually collect large sums of money from the shop owners of India as donations to their party funds and for day-to-day activities, campaigns and conferences. When they go to the shops of the local poor Indian shop owners, the owners complain about their losses and donate only 5 or 10 rupees or at the most 50 rupees. These political parties are angry for the shop keepers offering such paltry sums. If the FDI is allowed, Wal-Mart and like companies will open their shops in villages gradually and when approached by these political parties, they will happily donate 5 lakh rupees without complaint which they can afford. That is why all political parties which opposed the bill for a time publicly are one by one falling in line, helping Congress to pass the bill, telling press puny and ridiculous logics to support the change in their policies. In fact there was no change of opinions in those parties, they always wished for the bill. Only that, to save faces for a time, they had to take a stand against the bill publicly. Inwardly all political parties in India which accept monetary donations from people are very glad at the prospect of immensely rich shop keepers coming to India to do business in the retail sector.
UPA confident of FDI vote; Speaker to decide
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Growth in economy and the quality of living of people are inversely proportional, it seems. This is because increased wealth goes to a few industrial houses to be accumulated there in their coffers while the masses loose what they already have to these large industrial houses. Suppose Wal-Mart, Reliance or Tata’s decides to enter the retailing marketing in India. The India government won’t dissuade them from doing this and won’t argue that it would impoverish the millions of people engaged in running the simplest plank shops and pan shops to grocery shops. So they do enter the scene and open their retail shops without having to face any obstruction or resistance from either the government or the politicians of India which are one and the same. Even when a few political parties object, their leaders would calm agitators in their ranks by warning them that by obstructing the business of people who come to India, invest in retailing sector and strengthen Indian economy, the agitators are only trying to weaken the already weak economy of India. Thus the ordinary village and urban shop owners loose their battle and in no time the new comers become monopolies. Producing and marketing soda water provided a livelihood to millions of people in India. Now this market is owned and monopolized by Coca Cola, Pepsi and Spenser’s. There was economic growth but what wealth produced went to monopolies and the masses lost jobs, were impoverished and had to either die out or continue to live, doing menial and odd jobs. Selling fish and selling vegetables is the sector in which most people of India make a living out of. Reliance Industries, and following them many others, entered this sector with vegetable super markets and fish stores. Now millions of villagers who were once decently engaged in these fields are begging in the streets. Everything goes to corporates and monopolies and when they want a sector for free grazing and looting, Indian authorities allow them to do as they like. Political parties, parliamentarians, governments are owned by them. When they want coal, coal fields are allotted to them on their terms. When they want oil, lucrative oil fields are released to them to be used freely at will. When they want more money to play gambling in share trading which they cannot take from their coffers for fear of loosing all, government will order employees’ pension scheme funds to be placed at their disposal for share trade playing. If they loose, the pensioners will loose, they will loose nothing. But they all want peoples’ mandates for ruling the country. Therefore they hold elections each five years. If people won’t vote, they will make voting compulsory. If people make their votes invalid, they will make voting electronic. Mr. Monopoly, everyone knows everything. If impoverished, people will still continue to live. But if broke and bankrupt, monopolies will never rise up again as we have seen in many countries in the recent financial crises.
FDI stalemate: UPA, NDA call for truce?
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Politicians and bureaucrats of India are the root causes of almost all problems in the country. People think most problems originate from the cultural, economic and religious structure of Indian society. Religious and communal divisions always existed in the society but bureaucrats and politicians also began to behave according to the directives of the religions and communities they originate from. Because of this pre-ownership of bureaucrats and politicians by their respective religions and communities, good education became quite impossible to be given to all. Only influential people will have access to good health care. Law courts can be approached only by the wealthy and influential due to higher cost of litigation and longevity of cases remaining in court before decision. Justice is nowhere to be seen except for the rich and influential. Agricultural land remains with those who do no agriculture. Those who are skilled and willing to work in agriculture have no land of their own. Land reforms are still in the stage of infancy. Even after all these years, an accused or a complainant cannot approach a judicial court directly but only through half-baked barristers. Judicial reforms never happened in India. If one has to seek truth, he should bear the cost, not the nation. Cost of moving legal machinery drives citizens away from seeking truth and justice. And even Supreme Court judges are either involved or under trial for corruption. So, why should an Indian citizen believe in and respect executive, legislative and judicial branches of the country’s administration? They view officers of the executive, legislative and judiciary suspiciously and do not trust them. They do not know who is owned by whom and therefore fear to approach any of these branches for justice. Administration, justice and progress are stilled in the country and that is the greatest secret known to all. Corrupt bureaucrats continue to officiate in their posts, corrupt judges continue to give verdicts and corrupt politicians continue to sit in parliament and pass laws and conduct government business. If citizens air their dissenting opinions loudly, the three branches are unanimous in taking the decision to remove or suspend their constitutional rights and if possible, freedom of speech. If we sell an acre of land which is government property but annexed to ours, we will be prosecuted. But if a government secretary sells a thousand acres to a foreign entrepreneur, he has administrative immunity, parliamentarians will amend laws to ratify the sale and law courts will okay the deal. So, why should not citizens hate their authorities? It is because they are straight that they hate authorities; crooks will always love other crooks.
India deploying more troops in Ladakh due to China threat: Farooq Abdullah
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
The Chinese news agency Xinhua has a double function. It provides news not only to the Chinese people but to the Chinese leaders as well. Therefore it cannot fabricate news considerably. Global Times also is a somewhat unbiased newspaper which the western media consider as a reliable source of information from China. The credibility of these two is held high by western news media. The observation that data regarding the prosperity or poverty of the millionaires or the common people of China was based on statistics collected by their newspapers can be therefore believed. But the predictions of these newspapers on the fate or future of the Chinese people are not at all reliable, though their data might be reliable, for other purposes. The people of China joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1945 to fight and defeat the 5 million strong Kou Min Tang, devised the commune system which enslaved them. Without people’s support, the CPC could never have beaten the Kou Min Tang and without the commune system, the Chinese could never have become slaves of the state. What a paradox! China accuses Tibetans to have been made natural slaves by feudalism. The Chinese invented through their communist party the commune system which enslaved them. The Communist Government in China forced people in 1950 to experiment with the commune system, which in modern times, existed only in the printed books. It took them 28 years to find out that this system won’t work. In 1978 it was discarded and China somewhat opened up. But what justification was there to compel and force a great hardworking people to loose 28 years from its history to seek a nowhere-existing philosophers’ stone? Comparison of the prosperity and population of China with those of India is irrelevant. Indians consider material prosperity unaccompanied by corresponding cultural upliftment inconsequential. More people in a nation means more heads in the nation to think. In this respect India is not behind China, in fact, far more advanced, because the Indian heads are absolutely free to think what they like, unlike their brothers in China who are just suffocating for free thought. How will they think sincerely for the state if they are suffocating for freedom? And who says the Chinese are happy about the slavery to state they are committed to in the present political structure of the country. Even though China has more people than India, the collective thought of the nation is far less creative and productive than that of India. If a referendum is conducted in China on whether communism shall continue or democracy need be turned to, it would be a 0: 100 vote.
Will not change stand on FDI debate, says BJP
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Congress leaders in India always wished to keep industries under government control. When there was a break in the congress rule in India and Atal Bihari Bajpayee government came into power, they also wished to run industries under government control. Because Bajpayee had no significant strength in parliament, congress leaders who always wished to open up a few industries to foreign powers made well use of this opportunity to pressurize him to bring about changes in the policies of the state-owned airlines and oil industries and succeeded in opening a gap for foreign powers to enter. Since Bajpayee government fell and Narasimha Rao government came into power, these pro-foreign factions in congress have never been lazy in preventing the policy from reverting back. Even when two typical congressmen like Narasimha Rao and his finance minister Manmohan Singh wanted to keep industries under government control, they could not keep under harness or beat these pro-foreign factions in their party who had no particular congress history but only a working knowledge of how congress could be manipulated to suit foreign investors’ needs. The only impossible situation which would have prevented the opening up of Indian industries was the unlikely support of Bajpayee’s BJP government’s industrial policies by the pro-Indians in the congress party. But they could not do this because their party had already gone under the control of pro-foreign factions and they were only puppets, projected and propped there to show to the world that there was no coercion in India’s industrial policy turning western. So now, we have a congress party believing in the total westernization of Indian industry. Because this policy change is happening slowly, imperceptibly but steadily, most people couldn’t perceive it is happening. This kind of westernization has begun to alter the behavioural structure of the minds of Indian politicians. Now they can say that they are honest men and still continue to loot and pilfer government money which they never would have done in the past for fear of violating truthfulness and confidence. Now what they only think is, there is a vast customer base in India, if some product is introduced, there are millions of people to buy it, therefore why not bring a few foreign manufacturers, introduce their products here and obtain commissions from their sales? So, if it is car, they will make Nissan, Toyota and Mercedes to open their plants. If it is telecommunications, they will invite Vodafone. If it is retail marketing, they will invite Wal-Mart. So they operate in India, squeeze people, set aside the amount to be paid to India leaders, pay no considerable taxes and take all profits to their registered countries. But when people recognized this and began to think about how much money the Indian leaders are being paid by these companies for operating in India, the government, very reluctantly, took steps to bring about legislation to take taxes back date.
Foreign visits work related: Kerala ministers
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Everything that is happening in the world is instantly brought to India via Internet. To learn about innovations in any field, be it science, technology, business, commerce or industry, there is no need now for going abroad. If a state minister does not have time to read about these things, that is why Private Secretaries and Personal Assistants are paid salaries for by the government. Therefore, do not say anything about state business as a lame excuse. If state ministers want pleasure trips to escape from the boredom of attending to peoples' problems, say it boldly and tour the world, at one's own expense, after taking leave. Ministers are to be fine examples to employees of government and the voting public. Had these ministers declined to travel abroad at people's expense, that would have been fine. But since they already have decided to travel abroad at people's expense, stating state business, they have become just two of the common exploiters. It is known that both these ministers are rich in their families. Let them be bold and truthful enough to travel at their own expense, whether it be for state or for pleasure, and set an example to the politicians of Kerala.
LPG prices may fluctuate every month
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
No oil companies in India have ever declared before their share holders that they are suffering a loss or are bankrupt. The share prices of Hindustan Petroleum, Bharat Petroleum and Indian Oil Corporation, after this price hike, immediately rose by 8-6 percent. From the soaring prices of their shares it is as clear as water that they are all making unbelievably huge profits. What is not as clear as water is how many Indian politicians, parliamentarians, bureaucrats and their families are share holders in these oil companies or are their beneficiaries in one way or another. After reading this the politicians, parliamentarians, bureaucrats and their families needn't be infuriated. Being any of them now doesn't necessarily mean they are corruption less and clean in soul. Being recipients of public money as salaries and allowances, they are never beyond questioning. Moreover, everyone in the world knows that a few politicians, parliament members, cabinet ministers, bureaucrats and their family members are lying now in Jail for corruption. So the theory is that a Caesar's wife should be above suspicion. If not, and is intolerant, immediately resign and be one among the public. An average Indian middle class family now spends more than 3000 rupees more on account of petrol price rise which amount straight goes to the share holders and spendthrift officials of the petroleum companies. If I am robbed of 3000 rupees per month, I will speak publicly and air my opinions. That is the principle of Indian democracy. But the thieves will certainly wish to be spoken not about. It was the long-cherished dream of oil companies that Government should withdraw itself from being the controller of the price of petrol, diesel and gas and now their wish has been granted. What the people of India want to know is how much money was involved in this scam. Without money, no politician in India is going to assent to a decision to withdraw from the supreme power and position to decide at what prices petrol and gas are to be sold in this country. When it is going to be revealed, it is certainly going to be the greatest scam in the world, after the 2G Spectrum deal. The Indians are no more interested in the selling price of petrol or gas but are eagerly waiting for the amount involved to be revealed, which sure will be. Abandoning the sales tax or the value-added sales tax or its latest versions won't relieve government of its sin in withdrawing from the responsibility for determining petrol prices. If the rubber producer, paddy producer, sugar producer and wheat producer can decide at what price their produce is to be sold in India, then why should there be a governmental pricing policy or even a government, for that matter? Why it is not done is because the rich political leaders of India or their family members have not as much invested in those sectors as they have in petroleum which yields 500 percent profits. Have at least 50000 crores changed hands?
LPG prices may fluctuate every month
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Since mankind abandoned the life of tree-dwellers and settled for a landlocked life, they have been using tree branches for making fire and cooking food. Since the time of the discovery of fire till the advent of the twentieth century mankind had been lavishly using firewood as fuel and forests have been replenishing fast man took from them. Then laws began to be passed, prohibiting the entry of man into forests for collecting firewood. Till two or three decades back, anyone could make a living by cutting firewood from the forest and selling it to people in the village. Those who wanted firewood only needed to go to the village square and purchase the firewood bundles laid there by old men and women. Now forest officials snatch away their axes and arrest and prosecute them. What tree branches they do not cut grow their full length, dry up, rot and fall to the forest ground, adding to the humus. So, the people who do have to cook food turned to kerosene oil stoves and those who did not have money for purchasing stove and oil died out in time. When people had wholly become dependent on kerosene, government decreed that more than two litres of kerosene oil won’t be sold to people through ration shops. No arrogant government officer seemed to think about how a family of six people could cook food for one month with just two litres of kerosene. So, people who could afford it purchased gas stoves and obtained connections for liquefied petroleum gas. Then, those frogs living in those ugly little ponds called the government service found out that people are misusing these connections and recommended curtailing the issue and use of gas. First the government sky-rocketed the price of gas and then decreed that gas cylinders won’t be issued more than six numbers a year to a family. The helpless people began to purchase electric heaters and induction cookers when government asks state governments to raise electricity charges and triple sales taxes for induction cookers and if possible ban them! One needn’t be a member of the elite ruling class of India to learn that in an electricity-short country like India, banning the use of forest firewood, kerosene and cooking gas would only lead to excessive demand for electricity and make matters worse. That is why wise governments in the past allowed their liberal use, that too at state subsidized rates. Without forest firewood, kerosene, LPG Gas and electricity how are people to cook, Mr. Administrator? The only reason for this kind of a crisis is the free issue of kerosene, gas and electricity to the ministers, parliament and assembly members and the senior bureaucrats of India. And they are issued all these without any limitations. Because they get all these free and without limit, they are bold enough to not think about the unaffordable prices or the total unavailability of these cooking essentials. Once these free issues stop, prices will begin to come down and everything will become available to people.
India can meet its energy needs without nuclear plants: Study
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Everyone knows that the earth’s temperature is the least in the outer crust and the most in the central core. Radioactive materials in the earth’s inner core decay continuously, and the nuclear reactions caused by these reactions heat up the inner portions of the earth’s crust up to 4000 degrees centigrade. This immense heat diffuses to the higher layers of soil, rocks and clay and superheats the water in underground streams and rivers flowing through them, resulting in hot water geysers, streams and steam up ground. As early as in the first decade of the 20th century, man built geothermal stations to tap this steam, bring it to turbines, run his generators and produce electricity. In many parts of the world, rocks situated beneath the upper crest of the earth, at just 6500 ft depth, are nearly 260 degrees centigrade hot. The heat latent in these rocks can be made use of in two ways. Either we can directly tap the hot steam, stream or geyser coming out of the earth to our turbans or we can drill these hot rocky layers, pump water in and take steam out through two separate holes. Why the underground water and the pumped in water do not boil and become steam in spite of its temperature of nearly 200 degrees centigrade is because of the high pressure in those depths. But once this superheated water is released from this high pressure and comes out into the atmospheric pressure, it instantly becomes steam and can be used as such. That is the attraction for geothermal power. Earlier there was the problem of the water pumped into the bowels of the earth not coming back but escaping into subterranean pools, lakes, rivers or even canyons which have never been exposed to sunlight since their formation. There also was the problem of removing minerals from the out coming water to prevent pipes and turbines corroding. Now such problems have been successfully solved. The only problem still remaining to be solved, and which makes many ideal geothermal locations loathsome to people, is the stench and foul smell of such gases as sulphur escaping along with the steam. But in many places these very sulphurous spots are gaining undeniable popularity as health spas. Italy was the first to tap the potential of geothermal energy, New Zealand, Philippines, Mexico and California followed, and now this undepletable source of energy is taken for granted. We needn’t fear about this well drying up: the hot molten core of our planet earth won’t cool at least for another one million years.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Ocean tides are an unlimited source of energy which has been made use by man for hundreds and hundreds of years since the invention of the wheel. At one time of our history, tidal mills could be seen on many sea shores. They made use of high tide and low tide well. Incoming tide will be trapped into reservoirs through sluices, which while coming in with great force will pass through propelling water wheels creating turning power which in turn will produce useful power. The coming n tides build up against the dam until there is a difference of at least 5 ft between one side and the other and will not allowed leaving by closing the sluice valves. When the tides are low, the sluice valves are reversed, allowing the water to flow out forcefully, again passing through the turbines a second time in their return journey. When it is high tide again, the valves and the turbine blades are again reversed and the cycle repeats. The difference in the level of water between one side and the other of the dam is called the ‘head’ of water and the higher this head the more electricity will it produce. A higher column of water will be under greater pressure which when released will turn the turbines more forcefully. A tidal wave installation in Nova Scotia has the highest ‘head’ in the world, a water level difference of 59 ft. The sluices and turbine blades in this kind of power generating installations can be used in either direction, making optimum use of movements of the entrapped sea water. Water remaining in the dam will be pumped out using electricity which will more than be made up in the process. Luckily the world is gifted with unbelievable stretches of shorelines and inexhaustible source of tidal waves. Cost of building the dams is the only deterring thing which has not deterred many nations including the Canadians and the Russians. If this unlimited source of energy was trapped and used with foresight, the world would not need thermal, fossil, nuclear or solar energy. Tamil Nadu has a very long coastline. Why didn’t consider it earlier? Chief Ministers and Prime Ministers are paid great salaries for thinking ahead of ordinary people and envisioning things in advance. Or would they say the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean have not enough water and waves to service Tamil Nadu and Kerala?
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
There are thousands and thousands of people in India who take a very firm stand against nuclear power plants. They came to the conclusion that nuclear reactors are not safe, not after experiencing a nuclear holocaust but after reading about many nuclear holocausts. Whenever and wherever nuclear reactors have blown away, it was human lives that were lost in hundred thousands. No nuclear reactor ever built in this world has claimed that it is fool-proof. The first ever dialogue to be heard thus was from India from the builders of Koodankulam power plant. We shall simply ask, when did India become a great technical power to construct a fail-proof atomic reactor? Who are those world renowned scientists? Where is their fantastic research papers published? Let us read them. This Koodankulam reactor also was made possible only through the assistance of a foreign power, Russia, whose stock piles of atomic materials are reaching not only India but many terrorist rogue nations also. They cannot even keep their materials unstolen. And Russian scientists nowadays are not too skilled enough to be praised and believed. It was their reactor that blew apart and killed more people than even the Czar did. After the disintegration of U.S.S.R. tons of fission materials were stolen away from those states which are what has become a threat to the world now. Perhaps India might need the Russian state politically to counter balance the aggressive tendencies nowadays she feels from China but don’t condemn the U.S. Indian defense and economy depends much on them. There might be organizations that get foreign aid and misuse it or divert it for other purposes. Let the government control them. But do not condemn the civilian rights of a people who know that Indians and nowadays Russians are very bad in technology and that whatever they build may some day explode and kill them. People have the right to express their anxiety and demand dismantling the plant. Because it was built near to the two power-hungry states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala does not justify it’s commissioning. Even the government does not claim that nuclear reactors are totally harmless. They only argue that the present plant is world class in safety which no one believes anyway because it is built by the Indians and the Russians. The fact is the world does not have the space or patience for one more nuclear plant. Even Russia was dismantled into its many member states. Then why can’t a puny power plant they built in India?
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
All nuclear reactors are safe before they blow away. All the nuclear reactors in the world that blew apart were claimed to have been proved safe and well protected, claimed by ‘dignitaries’ and ‘experts’ in those countries’ Atomic Energy Regulatory Agencies and Disaster Prevention Establishments. Any human error, miscalculation or purposeful wrong doing in the designing, making or running can make any human installation go rowdy. Not one human creation has ever been an exception. We believe many mighty things erected by man on the face of the earth, inside and above it to be flawless because we do not know about the internal problems contained in them. People who daily run those things know better and they almost always are prevented from speaking. When the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and the National Disaster Management Authority claim that everything is ship shape and under control at the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant in Tamil Nadu in South India and that the plant is well protected, we will begin to think that both organizations are going to move their headquarters to inside the plant and those experts and authorities are going to live there, inside the safe plant, for the next five years. Are they bold and committed enough to do that? When bridges were built in the past, the engineer and his family stayed beneath in boats in the river, while the heaviest of vehicles moved along the bridge during inauguration. Since no one no more has to keep such respectful models in social commitment and responsibility, any one can say anything. If we are to believe that all Disaster Management People said it right and true, no disasters would have occurred in the world during the past two centuries. They continue to occur out of human error, miscalculation and wrong doing. Disaster management is, in practical terms, management of disaster once they have occurred, not one hundred percent preventing it. If it collapses, the Mullapperiyar Dam will certainly cause the wiping away of three or four districts, but if it one day blows away, the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant will burn out two entire states. For pleasing Russia, our political leaders on the national level want to open and make function the plant noiselessly, that is without protest. As they wished, the people of the two states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu are fighting against each other, instead of jointly fighting against opening this deadly power plant. That is the trick, cunning and clever treachery of national politics. It is no wonder the Koodankulam struggle went behind the curtain when Mullapperiyar struggle came into the fore. What extremely pleases the orthodox national leaders is that the lower class blacks have again begun to fight each other. Receiving foreign aid for building a deadly plant is equally heinous as receiving foreign aid to fight it. The government does this now in the fashion of a formidable war, without respecting people's rights of opinion.
Indian Cabinet approves new economic reforms
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Indian economy has brief and intermittent periods of growth and going back. The growth periods would be periods of liberalization or other economic reforms. During these growth periods the persons closely associated with this growth amass great fortunes of their own and disappear or they continue to be in the administration for a few more years. When things begin to come out exposing them, the economy reverts to its former position of stillness. But within that time a considerable portion of national wealth would have reached Switzerland, the Kay Islands or the Bahamas. Therefore, paradoxically, it is wise for India to have no such periods of growth. India’s money and India’s resources would stay in India by not growing this way. No economic growth of India has ever stayed with the people or has advanced the country’s economy at least through a decade. There is no dearth of economic planners in India. The simple way the Indian authorities find to escape from the allegation of too many people remaining below the poverty line there is to draw the line further below 23 rupees per day and move others to the ‘above poverty line’. It is that simple. And this discovery of an Indian family living well with 23 rupees per day having the middle class status was made by the Planning Commission of India whose members live in delusion and who spend 23 lakh rupees for renovating just three lavatories in their headquarters! They roam the world capitals for gathering information and holding discussions on how to plan India! How much far can an Indian official go to live with people’s money and cheat the nation? This Commission is the finest example. What planning did they do in all these years? It is they who planned tele-conferencing for overall co-ordination of development. Why don’t they themselves tele-confer instead of touring the world? There is this story of an ancient Indian prime minister who served Chandragupta Maurya. His name was Chaanakya who was the person who discovered Chandragupta from anonymity, trained him in war techniques, enabled him to defeat his co-brother and emperor Nandagupta and become himself an emperor. It was him who formulated the laws and rules for administering a model nation which later became famous in history as Chaanakya Rules. This prime minister lived on the outskirts of the city in a hovel. One night the emperor visited him to seek advice on some national matter. No sooner he mentioned a matter concerning the administration of the country than Chaanakya put out the oil lamp he was burning and lighted another. His student, the emperor, asked him why he used two lamps. The prime minister’s answer was that one was for his domestic uses and the other was for conducting national business. Oil to be used for discussions on the nation’s administration shall not be used for personal discussions! That was India before 2500 years and the Mauryas planned and ran their nation well.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
A country which is not developing as fast as other countries expect means only one thing: their natural resources are not being depleted as fast as other countries. The people living there are wise enough to store as much resources as possible for their coming generations. This is what happens in India. Indian mothers are notoriously famous for eating too little to survive and setting aside almost all they cook for their children. India lives in her thousands of villages, not in the great cities. In this aspect Gandhi was absolutely right and his belief that what industrialization needed for India is the production of articles needed for the people of these villages is right and justifiable. Agriculture and rural industries were what he emphasized as the way to the progress of India. What industries he envisioned did not need the support of large infrastructure, would not have needed large investment and would have eradicated unemployment in the villages. But the steps of India faltered when the socialist Nehru, under the inspiration and influence of the Soviet Union, decided to turn to heavy industries as the pathway to Indian economic progress. He did not live long enough to see the soviet economics collapsing in their own Russia. Neither did he envision his successors in the party and in the administration selling out these state-owned heavy industries to private rich men and these private rich men selling out India to the world corporates. It was foolish of India, who was once noted for the export of tea, cotton and steel, to converge on software outsourcing which flopped when the main customers in Europe and America dropped in business as each wave of share price downfall struck. Large numbers of students were encouraged to study these things which never have a domestic demand and they did get great salaries inconceivably high in Indian standards for a time. But when the tide collapsed and their income shrank, being unable and untrained to cope with such sudden set backs in career, many of these bright students became preys to depressive moods and eventually many became psychiatrically disturbed. Marriages collapsed and hospitalizations increased. None has ever studied the impact on software employees of this phenomenon of getting prestigious jobs and huge salaries for a time and suddenly falling from this fine financial position to nothingness. No notable products were turned out by the Indian software industry and many Indian software companies lost their contracts through sloppy work. India has never wished to become a super power, and they have never wished to have a higher growth rate, except those politicians who wished to have a place for them amongst the world’s national leaders.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Eastern economics is not something which is focused on over-exploitation of resources in the nature. Think about a people who ask the tree’s permission and forgiveness for cutting it for inevitable purposes. Tree worship or Animism was and is prevalent among Indians the equivalent of which can be seen in history only in the aborigines of the American continent. Even before polluting a river for catching a few fishes for the unavoidable dinner, long rituals of prayers, flower submission and even sacrifice of some living creature to appease the river would have been over. It was when Michel Jackson startled the world with his ‘Save The World’ video that the ignorant world countries recognized the hold and usefulness of this cult, in the modern times. It was not Michel Jackson’s discovery but the custom and cult are there existing through the generations. If some soil has to be removed from the upper crust for cutting a trench and constructing a house or a canal, there are other intricate poojas. Does the world know that the Indian Space Research Organization engineers before launching world class satellites and the very advanced Indian Navy Commanders before putting a new sub or ship to sea holds very long and ardent poojas in their prayer rooms? It is not because they are not advanced and civilized but because they are advanced and civilized that they do this. Traditionally and historically, the Indians are a god-fearing and nature-obeying people. Their economy and politics also is developed in a like manner from the same cultural sources. The world economists do not understand this and they never can. Malthus and Caine and Adam Smith and Marx never touch the lives of the Indians. They have their own economic heritage. When Russia and China embraced Marxism pretending that they had no mentionable economic heritage, they were digging their own burial pits for their traditional economics because no nation having a long history of traditional economic advancement can stray long from the beaten down path. We have seen the bookish economics thrusted on Russia collapse and we will soon witness the un-Chinese economy which enslaved China also withering away. No one need grieve because it is the destiny of unripe economic philosophies crowned upon the heads of ancient people. Major economic research houses of the world like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs needn’t be told that India is far behind in economic growth. They themselves have reported otherwise many often. These research houses which generally cater to fund managers who just have to achieve their targets are not relied upon much by the long-term investors like those who are expected to invest in India. When all have looted their share, there would not be much in India to accelerate any growth in the future. Let India close her doors. Enough for a century has gone out to corporates.
China surveillance ships enter waters near disputed islands
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Many people think China is prospering but it is a momentary rise because it is unaccompanied by a resultant cultural rise. No great literature, art, music or philosophy is emerging from China. Economic prosperity unaccompanied by cultural upliftment is hollow, unstable and absurd. It is like developing the muscles of a single hand through rigid, non-stop exercising while those in the legs, abdomen, shoulders, back and neck remains as of yore. It is kind of unproportionate, unnatural, unstable state of psyche, close to sickness. Great philosophers in India, China and Greece condemned such development. Many modern day philosophers also have taught the dangers of unspiritual prosperity, which was what brought the mighty Roman Empire down. It is the mind, free thought and unhindered will that brings about, nourishes and retains a healthy civilization. So, what economic development we now are shown from China is ballooned up, a mirage which will vanish and expose the harsh realities, just like the underlying poverty of the Big Brother in Russia was exposed once the state’s suppressive propaganda collapsed. It is a real fact that majority of the Chinese population oppose their government’s almost all actions publicly or in their minds. Where there is a vent, their anger steams out. The world also knows that it is because of the brutal policing by the Chinese Communist Party that the government there is not toppled by people. By no standards is it now a peaceful and quiet nation. Indeed China was a mighty, trustworthy, civilized great nation, before Chairman Mao came into power. The cruelties and murders of the millennium old dynasties were nothing when compared to the mean, treacherous slaughters of the Communist Regime. Then they began to export not communism but cruelty to other peaceful nations. India, Nepal, Tibet, Burma, Hong Kong, Philippines- all these nations and their people well know that China is a mad rogue nation now, becoming very similar to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, perhaps more despotic. Gauging from the present rising of people’s protests, where is democracy, communism and socialism in China? Is the world willing to tolerate and allow yet another timid aggressive nation among them? What the world hoped would prevent the aggression of China were the two great democracies in the world- America and India. But heavy Chinese investment in their nation made the Americas passive. Prospects of arrival of huge capitals as Yuan made India silent. Embracing Dalai Lama and shaking hand with the Premiere on the back is the foreign policy of these two nations. It was the American Freedom Struggle that inspired Europe to freedom. It was the Indian Struggle for Independence that liberated Africa. What is a few soiled Yuan notes when compared to the glorious moments in human history? But the world people now have learned about the pact between these great democracies and the last existing autocracy. That is why people now turn to the online internet highway as a last measure and that is exactly why China deletes people’s websites. The world well knows, it is people versus government there, unsupported by the world.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
No one will deny that the totalitarian China witnesses more people’s riots than India. Lack of civil rights and poverty are the main causes. The people of China joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1945 to fight and defeat the 5 million strong Kou Min Tang and their new slave masters devised the commune system which enslaved them. Without people’s support, the CPC could never have beaten the Kou Min Tang and without the commune system, the Chinese could never have become slaves of the state. China accuses Tibetans to have been made natural slaves by feudalism. The Chinese invented through their communist party the commune system which enslaved them. The Communist Government in China forced people in 1950 to experiment with the commune system, which in modern times, existed only in the printed books. It took them 28 years to find out that this system won’t work. In 1978 it was discarded and China somewhat opened up. But what justification was there to compel and force a great hardworking people to loose 28 years from its history to seek a nowhere-existing philosophers’ stone? The communist administration in China from 1949 to 1979 was totally different from the administration from the 1980s to the present times. Atrocities and mass murders committed by The Gang of Four and the great folly of the Great Leap Forward are past but not unforgiven. Who will answer for the lost decades in Chinese people’s lives? More people in a nation mean more heads in the nation to think. In this respect India is not behind China, in fact, far more advanced, because the Indian heads are absolutely free to think what they like, unlike their brothers in China who are just suffocating for free thought. How will they think sincerely for the state if they are suffocating for freedom? And who says the Chinese are happy about the slavery to state they are committed to in the present political structure of the country? Even though China has more people than India, the collective thought of the nation is far less creative and productive than that of India. If a referendum is conducted in China on whether communism shall continue or democracy need be adopted, it would be a 0: 100 vote.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
In the modern day world, a nation claiming rights on another nation is considered as aggression and encroachment. Countries with far lesser crimes were isolated and punished by the U.N. and the world community. But here when a great exporter, though leaving its native population deprived of essential commodities, does a greater crime, all the world countries remain neutral in action, but occasionally embracing Lama for fear of world. Recently China has been claiming Tibet as their own, Hong-Kong as their own and a considerable part of even India as their own. A nation where millions of their citizens remaining without rights to vote in elections and students who protest are brutally beaten up and fired to death, do not deserve the sympathy of the world. The world has gone far ahead. Emperor Bharatha ruled the lands comprising of Rathnadweepam, India, Nepaalam, Brahmadesam, Apaghanasdhanam and Syama Raajyam. Will China consent to India claiming Ceylon, Nepal, Burma, Afghanistan and Siam? India is contended with what she is having at present. That is the greatness of India. China's aggressive behaviour is isolating her among world people, whoever including America support her human rights violations. Where was China standing watching when Communism was discarded by the world and she becoming the last standing post of Pseudo-Communism? Communism was conceived as the highest language of the human heart. But wherever it came to administrative power, people were incarcerated, tortured, brutally beaten, murdered, raped, mutilated, chemically brain washed and made to vanish. For whom was it all? Why do Chinese leaders live in luxury and opulence? Lenin said that those who do no work shall not be given food. What job, according to communist principles, are the Chinese Communist Leaders doing? Where is it said in communism that leading a party and governing an administration is an employment? The Chinese communist leaders know that they have gone far with their crimes against communism and socialism, and that the world's revenge is soon to come upon them. That is why, to divert attention and to bridge the really collapsing internal economics, China turns to invading and encroaching countries with resources. What we see now in that part of Asia is the flame leaping up before totally dying out.
1 Reply
Cutivating hatred against China is not going help and make this world a better place? China would not be that stupid anymore like the foregone 'Qing' Dynasty and it would work with any country for mutual benefits. As far as Communistm is concerned, you think it will just disappear on the face of this world? I do not think so. Look at those occupied-movements going in America, it is just another way of protesting the capitalistic system we are having right now.
In fact, communism is a shadow of capitalism and it will stay with us as long as human embraces capitalism!!!!!!!
Smoking, drinking tied to earlier pancreatic cancer
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Since mankind discovered the uses of this plant, tobacco has been chewed, smoked and eaten as social ritual and as curative stimulant for gastric and digestive disorders. Bone and tissue remains unearthed in excavations from primitive sites suggest that whatever diseases now are alleged to be associated with tobacco smoking never existed then. Where it was extremely cold, when it was gloomy, it was used to relieve mental stress, to heat the ice-cold interior of the lungs and to give something for the impatient human hands to do. For centuries, this peaceful habit has been doing silent services as a social ritual and an individual involvement, causing no particular harm on its own. When modern day parliamentarians began to fear that people will turn against them for corruption, bribery and misadministration, they devised this trick of enacting safe laws such as banning tobacco smoking, prohibiting sleeping in peaceful parks and lolling in groups along highways, so that their national crimes would go unnoticed by people and people will think they are making great laws. It is not smoking tobacco that causes diseases but the habit of drinking not enough water. A tobacco smoker will need more water-intake than the ordinary man to compensate for energy loss and to restore the oxygen content that he exhausts. When one breathes, oxygen goes into the lungs where hemoglobin in the blood capillaries in the lung walls is sitting ready to receive it. Oxygen combines with hemoglobin to form oxy-globin which reaches every cell in human body when blood circulates from the heart. These cells receive this oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Hemoglobin has equal affinity to nicotine as it has to oxygen. When we smoke, nicotine vapour replaces oxygen considerably and combines with hemoglobin to form nico-globin and reaches everywhere. Due to a considerable volume of ingoing oxygen been replaced by nicotine, there will naturally be a resultant downfall in the energy level of the body, which, drinking great quantities of water will supplement. Had man drank enough water, there would have been no problem from moderate smoking. But man normally is reluctant to drink water nowadays. If we question the afflicted, they will tell us that they drink only one or two glasses of water each day, where the problem begins. Why doesn’t the WHO tell the world to drink more water and never to drink iced water and coca cola which is the real villain? When Arboviral infections like chikungunya and dengue break out, WHO tell the world that mosquitoes are responsible, hiding the fact that these viruses complete their life cycle in the body of dogs. No dogs, no dengue-that is the fact. They are all amorous dog-lovers. Who will believe WHO anymore? Man has the intelligence to decide what he shall drink and what he shall smoke. Don’t interfere. Leave alone the ancient social practice of tobacco smoking. Go after consumption of liquor, if they do not fear retaliation from liquor magnates.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
A person who drinks continuously looses first his money, then his job and finally his family. Thus when he dies, he dies a destitute. It is useless to ban consumption of alcoholic liquor anywhere, because it is an ages-old custom and if it is not available in normal and legal channels, it would no doubt be manufactured illegally and sold. That is what caused the death of thousands through alcoholic poisoning. Therefore it is only wise for government to sell it and make it available legally. When age old customs and practices are reviewed, sentimentality and emotions shall not be a deciding factor. Experiences recorded in history are what counts. Even in ancient India, Somarasam was a favourite of Rhishis. In moderate quantities, alcohol is a good stimulant and tension-reliever; a tonic. Women get what alcohol they need for the smooth and harmonious co-ordination between muscles and bones from the fruits they eat. But masculine needs are greater, considering the more strenuous muscular work they do. It is universally accepted that working men shall drink rum, as it would evaporate from the body system within two hours. Whisky is for rich lazy persons who have nothing to loose in life even if they are off-condition for a full day. And Brandy is for women alone, and is used the world over during child deliveries to relieve muscle rigidity. In fact, what right has a government to say what and what not a citizen shall eat, drink and smoke? But the problem is millions of people who will not give what they earn to their mother and wife simply giving it to Abkaris. They lost their loyalty from mothers to Abkaarees. Thus families loose their ration money, mothers and wives get beaten and betrayed, and innocent children are left with no confidence in their father. It needn’t be hid that quite a number of very high government officers, politicians and even senior editors of media reach their homes as vegetables. Many of them won’t even reach their bed-rooms but only up to their car sheds. How will these fools guide and control our society? What happens in their homes? Who is there to ask? But Society has one very, very, very strong weapon to be used against them. Just Boycott these snakes lying unconscious on roads and car-sheds. Narayana Guru of Kerala sternly advised his followers to abstain from distilling, consuming and selling liquor. It was at a time when people could more contain and control themselves than they can in the present times. But disregarding the advise of this humble and learned saint, it is now a Drinking Kerala, Dying Kerala, assuming that boost from liquor would give them, though for a very short time, some larger than real profile. It is good to remember that the greatest service a father can do to his children is to respect their mother. Now women abuse is going unbelievably higher in homes due to liquor consumption, and that is why the silently watching children grow up in their years with vehemence towards society.
Pets and apartments don't mix in UAE's Ajman
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
A dog’s mind is an extension of its master’s. Some unexpectedly come from the back and bite; some continuously bark till we leave that house, some continue barking even after we are miles and miles away from that inhospitable house. Most dog owners do not like social criticism, especially if it is their relationship with their dogs that is being questioned. A peaceful and quiet life is everyone's right. Like loudspeakers and automobile horns, dogs’ incessant barking from a house also is a public nuisance. Our dog barking from our house may be sweet music to our ears, but to our neighbours, it is utter public nuisance. We all depend on good inter-relations in our society to make our life possible and peaceful. That dogs afford us security is a wrong conviction. It is because there are other houses nearby and around our houses that our houses are not being broken into and our daughters and valuables are not being taken away by thieves, marauders and rogues, as were happening in the barbarian times. We shamelessly enjoy the unique security offered to us by society but when the question of the importance of our dog comes, we value the wayward freedom of our dog more important than the peace and tranquillity of our society. Dogs’ barking from houses is a disturbance and nuisance to new born babies, students learning their lessons, people trying to write, sing and draw things and to old sick people who try to rest and recuperate after going through the agonies of diseases. To pursue this problem unemotionally, it has to be agreed primarily that a dog's bark is one of the ugliest sounds in this world. Certainly no one will compare it to the sweet bird songs emanating from bushes and tree foliages around our homes. When a newborn baby is sleeping, we have seen in our houses, everybody whispering in hushed up tones instead of speaking loud, lest the baby would be disturbed and woken up. Such is the tenderness and affection human society extends to its children. But what can we do when an insolent dog from our immediate neighbourhood chooses that particular time to bark and wail without stop and they in the house won't do a thing? The new born babe for the first time feels insecurity in our hands, looses confidence and trust in family and human society, and grows up so for eighteen years against the unavoidable and inescapable background noise of dogs barking everywhere. Thus, after years we see the unruly youth standing there, irreverent, disobedient and angry to everyone! Whom to blame? We ask psychologists and psychiatrists for the reasons and they endlessly lecture on everything except the effect of incessant dog barking on infant minds, in their undecipherable jargon. Once we had something called silent nights which produced poets, playwrights, authors, artists and a disciplined generation. That time is now past, due to the insatiable lust of a few in our society for the pleasures from dogs.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Dogs have never been a friend of man. Dogs were attracted to man far earlier in the dawn of civilization. They were persuaded by the easiness to get meat, especially by the tastiness of cooked meat and other eatables, to join human society. Man always liked to be the owner of something and always craved to be obeyed without question. If he asks his children to come here, they will go the other way. If he asks his dog to come here, it will not only come here but wag its tail also. Therefore man adored dogs. Dog wanted a safe place to rest and a domain to roam free. So this ancient relationship of man and beast continued through ages and developed into something remotely resembling loyalty-like something. In cave paintings, tomb paintings, sepulchral vaults, frescos, poems, novels and celluloid rolls, man immortalized and celebrated this relationship. Oliver Goldsmith wrote ‘Ode on the Death of a Mad Dog.’ Wordsworth wrote ‘Fidelity.’ Jack London told the tale of ‘The White Fang’ and ‘The Call of the Wild’. Wilson Rawls wrote ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’. We also have seen a dog’s inseparable attachment to Bill Sikes in Charles Dickens’ novel. In all these masterpieces, it was the loyalty and dedication and usefulness of dogs to human society and to man in particular that was being praised. It is thought, man finds a good friend in dog and dog finds a good master in man. So it has been considered through generations and centuries that the dog-man association is something inevitable to human society, something to be cherished, and something safe. Slavishness is another word for doggishness and is considered one of the dull and negative virtues by mankind. Of all the animals associated with man, dogs are the most deprived of regality and personality. If we feed a cat, it will think ‘I might be a God; otherwise this man would not have fed me.’ If we feed a dog, it will think ‘This man might be a God; otherwise he would not have fed me’. Dogs endlessly try to please man. But a cat, when it thinks it has had enough of caressing and kissing, jumps out of our hands and escapes. Cats still retain the cat in them whereas dogs have lost the dogs in them. Therefore, theoretically speaking, it is never possible for a logical relationship to develop between a man and a dog out of self respect and out of mutual respect. The loyalty which appears to be there on the surface is entirely due to free boarding and lodging available to dogs. If some one has a doubt, feed not his dog for a few days and see what happens. Know this, even though man considers dog as a friend, the status of dogs in the animal community is that of a traitor. What will they call an animal which smells out other animals and shows to the man animal their presence through barking in the many hunting expeditions of man? They were attracted to man by the taste and smell of cooked meat and easy meat.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Bedding with dogs will kill more people in this world than were killed by rats during the dreaded periods in the history of England and Rome. Diseases originating from dogs are sweeping the globe, claiming human lives in thousands. Most people do not like their relationship with their dogs being questioned. The diseases spread from dogs to women, from women to children, from children to all in their school and from schools to the entire human society have reached a stage of being a threat to the world. The horrible diseases caused from bedding with dogs and how dogs serve as animal reservoir hosts to various Zoonosis viruses responsible for Dengue, Congo, Q fevers is hidden knowledge, kept unsurfaced by amorous dog lovers. When cycles of these fevers recently shook the world, everybody talked about killing mosquitoes. None talked about dogs in whose body these viruses resided and multiplied before reaching again the body of mosquitoes. Governments, Health Departments, Doctors and Scientists took after the carrier and burned millions of dollars instead of telling the world who the breeding host of these Zoonosis viruses was. It was rats that destroyed England and Rome centuries ago by way of plague and devoured millions of humans and animals. Now it is the turn of dogs. That dogs afford us security is a wrong conviction. It is because there are other houses nearby and around our houses that our houses are not being broken into and our daughters and valuables are not being taken away by thieves, marauders and rogues, as were happening in the barbarian times. It is not due to the presence of this puny little beast in our premises that our houses are not being robbed regularly. A dog can effectively be prevented from interfering in a robbery by just throwing to it a piece of sticky halva candy, as the famous Indian traveller-writer S.K.Pottekkattu noted in one of his novels. We enjoy the unique security offered by society but when the question of the importance of our dog comes, we value the wayward freedom of our dog more important than the peace and tranquillity of our society. Bedding with dogs is a universal risk factor. Besides Chikungunya and Dengue, there are hundreds of other diseases spread by pet animals including dogs. Nipah Virus, Lyme disease, Chagas disease, Q fever, Brucellosis, Diphyllobothriasis, Ehrlichiosis, Pasteurellosis, Rickettsiae, Rhinosporidiosis, Ringworm Salmonellosis, Strongyloidiasis, Yersiniosis, Leptospirosis, Leishmaniasis, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Echinococcosis, Coenuruses cerebralis. Coccidioido mycosis and Giardiasis-it is a long list. It is better for mankind to break ties with dogs, pet or no pet. The present level of interaction between man and dogs, making laws for them, mating with them and spreading diseases got from them reminds of one of the level of social life in the ancient Rome immediately before its fall. The only difference is, there it was not dogs but the horses.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Everyone knows that the British are great admirers of dogs. Most of them extend their love to their dogs which they deny to their children. Dogs are let to lie with them in their rooms, often in their beds. Their toddlers are left to lie and sleep in the home crèche alone even before they are one year old. This is what affected their present day social structure, children leaving their parents in the old age homes. In India it rarely happens, and in China, Tibet, Japan, Indonesia and Ceylon too. That is the price the British dog lovers who substitute dogs for children pay in their old age. One can say and argue that their children grow up more independently than the children in the Asian countries mentioned and more early too, but within that time the ardence between the parents and their children are lost irredeemably, which relation is the very cementing bond of human relations in man's society. It is not unemotional haughty brutes that we need to build our society but ardent affectionate young men who respect and take care of their elders. An average British man now finds himself marooned in an island of hostility in his old age because he had no love left to be shared with his sons and daughters after pouring what he had on his dog. Note that the orthodox Hindu Brahmins of India never allow dogs anywhere near their home, temple or compound. They consider dogs entering those places a profane act and a breach of their sanctity and cleanliness. Where does all the drop-out hair of a house-dog go except to the digestive and respiratory systems of the occupants of the house? There are hundreds of ugly diseases spread by pet animals including dogs, including dengue, chikungunya and rabies. The spreading of these diseases among humans could have been totally avoided, had human society broken ties with dogs. Along with the tea drinking habit, dog love was spread everywhere by the British during the period of colonization. Do not anyone imitate the British in the matter of dog love.
TMC withdrawal a betrayal of people's faith: Bengal Congress
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Politicians and bureaucrats of India are the root causes of almost all problems in the country. People think most problems originate from the cultural, economic and religious structure of Indian society. Religious and communal divisions always existed in the society but bureaucrats and politicians also began to behave according to the directives of the religions and communities they originate from. Because of this pre-ownership of bureaucrats and politicians by their respective religions and communities, good education became quite impossible to be given to all. Only influential people will have access to good health care. Law courts can be approached only by the wealthy and influential due to higher cost of litigation and longevity of cases remaining in court before decision. Justice is nowhere to be seen except for the rich and influential. Agricultural land remains with those who do no agriculture. Those who are skilled and willing to work in agriculture have no land of their own. Land reforms are still in the stage of infancy. Even after all these years, an accused or a complainant cannot approach a judicial court directly but only through half-baked barristers. Judicial reforms never happened in India. If one has to seek truth, he should bear the cost, not the nation. Cost of moving legal machinery drives citizens away from seeking truth and justice. And even Supreme Court judges are either involved or under trial for corruption. So, why should an Indian citizen believe in and respect executive, legislative and judicial branches of the country’s administration? They view officers of the executive, legislative and judiciary suspiciously and do not trust them. They do not know who is owned by whom and therefore fear to approach any of these branches for justice. Administration, justice and progress are stilled in the country and that is the greatest secret known to all. Corrupt bureaucrats continue to officiate in their posts, corrupt judges continue to give verdicts and corrupt politicians continue to sit in parliament and pass laws and conduct government business. If citizens air their dissenting opinions loudly, the three branches are unanimous in taking the decision to remove or suspend their constitutional rights and if possible, freedom of speech. If we sell an acre of land which is government property but annexed to ours, we will be prosecuted. But if a government secretary sells a thousand acres to a foreign entrepreneur, he has administrative immunity, parliamentarians will amend laws to ratify the sale and law courts will okay the deal. So, why should not citizens hate their authorities? It is because they are straight that they hate authorities; crooks will always love other crooks.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Indiscipline is the official face mark of parliamentarianism in India. The Indian parliament and the state assemblies more meet to revolt and part than to discuss things of national importance. It is just like students in colleges doing a strike for escaping a class and just for going for a cinema without loosing attendance. It is those unruly young men who rise to the higher ranks in their parties and become these parliamentarians anyway. How can they differ in behaviour when they grow up? They want Television coverage in the sessions but want to sensor scenes of their riots in the houses. They want people to vote them to power but they want people not to see what they do with this power. They want to let loose petroleum companies and hike petrol prices as they wish. But they also want to travel wherever they wish in the state-funded cars, cook their food by state-funded gas by state-provided staff. Do not parliamentarians need a little shame for their selfish acts? Independent India has passed thousands and thousands of laws each year in the parliament and in the state legislative assemblies. No one except the greedy lawyers knows what laws are existing there now. If it is a good law, there would be the need of only a few laws. But here what we see is not simplification of laws but complicating it by making laws each day for the sake of law-making which is someone’s bread. The instant one’s vote is cast in the election, his connection with the administrative process of the country stops. From then onwards, he is the enemy. If it is the law and order, if it is the hygiene and if it is the traffic rules, the rules are against him or they are violated against his favour.
One-year-old girl killed by dog in Delhi
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
While one Kilogramme of wheat powder for man’s food costs 20 rupees, one Kilogramme of dog’s food costs 599 rupees in the minimum. The quantity of food a man and a dog eats is equal. Perhaps the dog would be eating more. Now we know where India’s money is going. Because of its enormity we do not easily recognize the presence and hold of this industry who owns almost all parliamentarians just as we do not recognize the presence there of the immensely vast sky. If someone determines to investigate how much Indian money is lost on account of dogs, it would be impossible for him to sleep again a single night without being haunted by the nightmarish statistics he gathers. If you pay 1950 rupees monthly there are companies in Indian cities who deliver dog food at your door step daily. Average dog food price is 599 rupees for one Kilogramme for which you will get imported item which will last 3 to 4 days. Count the approximate number of dogs in all Indian houses and estimate how many hundred thousand crores of rupees is involved in this market and you will get a rough picture of how fierce and ugly would the fight to protect this market be, disregarding whether rabies, dengue and chikungunya spread or not. Every India authority knows the truth but not one is brave enough to accept it for fear of loosing authority or employment. Authorities and dog lovers are just tools in the hands of this industry comprising of food manufacturers, kennel clubs, dog breeders, dog exhibitionists, dog adoption agencies, dog training and grooming agencies, special dog accessories manufacturers and dog clinics. Fierce would be the fight to influence authorities to pass dog legislations and ban anti-dog activities. On the one side, dog care and breeding industry flourishes with inconceivably huge profits by keeping dogs and increasing their production and distribution and on the other side, anti rabies vaccine manufacturers and dengue and chikungunya post disease supplementary nutrients manufacturers profits through the very presence of these dogs. There is no animal love involved in protecting dogs but just obedience and subservience of authorities to a large industry who pay authorities promptly. It is not animal love that is going on but zeal and motivation to carry on a huge profitable industry. Animal lovers’ groups and dog legislators are all inseparable parts of this industry. Where almost all trade statistics are easily available, how much dog food, accessories and services are sold each year in India and how much money is involved is a secret still now. If someone points out the necessity for abolishing dogs, they will kill, no doubt. Every dog legislator in India knows how this industry works and is paid promptly for supporting. It is no wonder when dog legislations come on floor for passing, there is practically no opposition and the voting is more or less unanimous. No other industry in India enjoys this privilege.
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
A dog’s mind is an extension of its master’s. Some unexpectedly come from the back and bite; some continuously bark till we leave that house, some continue barking even after we are miles and miles away from that inhospitable house. Most dog owners do not like social criticism, especially if it is their relationship with their dogs that is being questioned. A peaceful and quiet life is everyone's right. Like loudspeakers and automobile horns, dogs’ incessant barking from a house also is a public nuisance. Our dog barking from our house may be sweet music to our ears, but to our neighbours, it is utter public nuisance. We all depend on good inter-relations in our society to make our life possible and peaceful. That dogs afford us security is a wrong conviction. It is because there are other houses nearby and around our houses that our houses are not being broken into and our daughters and valuables are not being taken away by thieves, marauders and rogues, as were happening in the barbarian times. We shamelessly enjoy the unique security offered to us by society but when the question of the importance of our dog comes, we value the wayward freedom of our dog more important than the peace and tranquillity of our society. Dogs’ barking from houses is a disturbance and nuisance to new born babies, students learning their lessons, people trying to write, sing and draw things and to old sick people who try to rest and recuperate after going through the agonies of diseases. To pursue this problem unemotionally, it has to be agreed primarily that a dog's bark is one of the ugliest sounds in this world. Certainly no one will compare it to the sweet bird songs emanating from bushes and tree foliages around our homes. When a newborn baby is sleeping, we have seen in our houses, everybody whispering in hushed up tones instead of speaking loud, lest the baby would be disturbed and woken up. Such is the tenderness and affection human society extends to its children. But what can we do when an insolent dog from our immediate neighbourhood chooses that particular time to bark and wail without stop and they in the house won't do a thing? The new born babe for the first time feels insecurity in our hands, looses confidence and trust in family and human society, and grows up so for eighteen years against the unavoidable and inescapable background noise of dogs barking everywhere. Thus, after years we see the unruly youth standing there, irreverent, disobedient and angry to everyone! Whom to blame? We ask psychologists and psychiatrists for the reasons and they endlessly lecture on everything except the effect of incessant dog barking on infant minds, in their undecipherable jargon. Once we had something called silent nights which produced poets, playwrights, authors, artists and a disciplined generation. That time is now past, due to the insatiable lust of a few in our society for the pleasures from dogs.
Houses Where Husbands Are Dogs and Dogs Are Husbands. P.S.Remesh Chandran, Trivandrum
1 Reply to terry
P.S.Remesh Chandran.
Dogs can look after their affairs themselves. Nature created them self-dependent and well-equipped to live in nature without affecting the well being of humans. Dogs do not need the help of human beings to survive unless they are captured by humans, chained in houses and given food when man has a mind to. But human beings need the help of other human beings to survive. First let us all learn to love and help our fellow human beings. Keeping birds in cages, fishes in tanks and dogs in kennels is against nature's law. It is all part of man's selfishness.
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